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With the exception of Ron Paul ...

Understanding the Trick

Larken Rose

At least 95% of the people in this country continue to fall for age-old tricks, because they don't understand the methods which tyrants use to deceive and control.

Larken Rose

August 17, 2007 - When you watch a "magic" trick which you haven't seen before, if it's done well, you can watch it over and over again, and each time be mesmerized by it, while trying to figure out how it's done.  However, once you learn how it's done, when you watch it again, you may wonder how on earth the method of deception didn't occur to you before.

A similar thing happens with tricks that are used to swindle people (instead of just entertaining them).  If you know how it's done, the deception may seem painfully obvious, and you can't imagine how anyone could miss it.  For example, you may marvel at how any crook can call random numbers, pretending to be working for a credit card company, and trick a LOT of people into giving out their numbers (which the crooks then use to go on shopping sprees).  And you may ask yourself, how on earth does anyone still fall for that sort of thing?

Whenever I watch any political ad (which I try to avoid), that's my instinctive reaction:  How on earth can people be so gullible as to still fall for this bunk?  It doesn't matter if the crook has an "R" or a "D" after his name  --  the method is ALWAYS the same:  make the people scared of something, and then suggest that if the people will only give politicians the power to "fix" the problem, all will be well.  It works with poverty, and war, and terrorism, and health care, and crime, and getting old, and global warming, and education, and safety, and so on, and so on, and so on.  Some of the things you're supposed to be scared of are real, and some are not, but fixing them is NEVER the goal of the politician.  The goal is always increasing his own power.  Always.

If you vote for someone because she sounds so sincere about her concern for the poor in this country... well, you're a gullible twit.  If you vote for someone because he sounds like he wants to fight terrorism... well, you're a gullible twit.  In fact, it pretty much comes down to this:  if you vote for someone, you're a gullible twit.

Every once in a while, someone will run on the platform of "If elected, I'll leave you the heck alone!"  Unfortunately, even most of the people who say that are also lying  --  like ALL of the supposedly "limited government" Republicans elected in 1994, and ALL of the leftover sixties hippies who pretended to believe in "live and let live."  The fact is, at least 99.999% of the people who run for "public office" do it because they want the POWER it provides to them.  Even if they went in honestly hoping to do something GOOD with that power, preserving and increasing their own power will instantly overwhelm any good intentions they might have had.  (Ron Paul is the only one I can think of who still has me convinced that he really DOES want "government" to have significantly less power, even though I think doing it via "the system" is an impossibility.)

How To Be A Successful Tyrant

When I released my book, How To Be A Successful Tyrant, lots of people didn't get what the point of such a book would be.  If you don't WANT to be a tyrant, what good is the book?  Lots of people who have READ it, on the other hand, quickly got the point (and, I'm happy to report, lots of people have given it glowing reviews  --  more glowing than I would dare to give it myself).  The point is that at least 95% of the people in this country continue to fall for age-old tricks, because they don't understand the methods which tyrants use to deceive and control.  The book is written from the perspective of the TYRANT, just the way a "how-to" magic book is written from the perspective of the magician.  If the people understood how tyrants operate, they might stop falling for the tricks.  But as long as the people don't see how they are being duped, they will keep unwittingly SUPPORTING their own enslavement.

I know a lot of you can already see through the bunk of political campaigns, so you're not the problem (but I still think you'd like the book).  Trouble is, the ignorance of your friends and neighbors is what allows the tyrants to oppress YOU.  If "government" could only rob, terrorize, and control the people who fell for its tricks, I'd be content.  But the tyrants acquire the power to oppress us ALL, by way of duping the majority.  The people can't see beneath the feigned compassion and concern of politicians, to their rotten, anti-human interior.  So the people keep falling for the tricks.

When someone pretends to have only YOUR best interests in mind, he's almost certainly lying.  Here, I'll give an example of all-too- rare honesty:  One reason I want you to buy my "Tyrant" book is so my wife and I will have more money.  However, I also firmly believe that the message is something which, if understood by the general public, would expose and therefore render impotent the slimy tricks of the megalomaniacs of the world.  I dare say that after someone reads the book, even an "average Joe" who doesn't think much about politics, he won't be able to watch another political ad, or another political "news" story, without immediately noticing the euphemisms, the obfuscations, and the other psychological tricks which the power-happy use to control the beliefs of their victims.  And then he will wonder how he ever fell for it, and he will wonder why almost everyone he knows is STILL falling for it.  (Then maybe he'll get them to buy my book, too.)

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